Selasa, 03 Mei 2016



·        Is the part of linguistics dealing with the vocabulary of the language and the properties of words as the main units of language
·        The branch of linguistics that studies the stock of word (Lexicon) in a language

"Leksikologi atau ilmu kosakata adalah ilmu yang membahas tentang kosakata dan maknanya dalam sebuah bahasa atau beberapa bahasa. Ilmu ini memperioritaskan kajiannya dalam hal derivasi kata, struktur kata, makna kosakata, idiom-idiom, sinonim dan polisemi."

types of lexicology

 Dealing with Lexicology, there are some technical terms we have to comprehend ,such as:
The collection of words (the internalized dictionary),that every speaker of the language has.

Lexeme :
The fundamental unit of the lexicon of a language.

The process of writing ,editing,and compiling a dictionary.

The author or editor of a dictionary.

I'm sorry if there are many mistakes in this blog. I hope you will get the knowledge from this blog.Thank you:)



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