Senin, 01 Mei 2017


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A thesis for the degree of Master of Science with the tittle “The Interaction of Suffixation with Synonymy and Antonymy” by Laura L. Sabourin from University of Alberta. There is 93 pages in this thesis that talk about branches of semantic,especially in synonymy and antonymy.
This thesis tells us the interaction of suffixation with synonymy and antonymy in the study of helps us to know more about terms that is in semantics.
Method used in this thesis are Participant,Materials and Procedure.

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This thesis reports on two psycholinguistic experiments that explore the question of how synonyms and antonyms are linked in the Mental Lexicon. The experirnental results confirm theoretical expectations that synonymic and antonymic links are fundamental cognitive relations among lexical items.
The results also suggest that the nature of these relations may not be identical because it was found that synonymic and antonymic pairs behaved differently in the two experirnental paradigms and that they also showed differences in the way they interacted when suffixation was added as a factor. The relevance of these findings to methodological issues in psycholinguistic experimentation is discussed and the implications for further research are outlined.

In this chapter a description of the semantic relations of synonymy and antonymy was provided. The sub-types of the relations were outlined and examples of each were given. The section on synonymy and antonymy was concluded by introducing some of the studies in the literature that have focused on these relations.
In general, there is a lack of processing studies that directly compare the on-he processing of synonyms and antonyrns. Possible effects of suffixation on synonymic and antonymic pairs were discussed and the need for an investigation of semantic relations controling for suffixation was expressed.
In addition, the criteria used to establish suffixation as a control factor for these experiments is discussed, and the off-line rating pretest used to finalize target stimulus pairs is also described.

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