Rabu, 16 November 2016



Night passed and the Sun started to move out of his hideout. With birds singing sounds like a classic bell.

Darly, third semester student of a leading university in Riau is reluctant to move from her comfortable zone is her beds.Her eyes are reluctant to available because just closed approximately two hours ago because darly very hobby to watch Korean drama until morning.Because  he must hurried to get to the campus which will start half an hour.

With glazed eyes, panting he ran to the study room. In the midst of his run, he is accidentally bumped into a senior  who seemed to be preparing for the exam proposal. He sees how his brother the hassles of preparing the papers in his hand.
Entering the classroom, he was surprised to see the class that is usually used to study looks empty. He then sent a message to her classmates why apparently empty classroom and her friends are all subjects Agus Salim to see senior test proposal.

When darly is inside the room Agus Salim, he stunned saw senior level who are in test.In the eyes of darly, he saw how horrible the lecturers test for exam candidates.
As if dealing with prospective in-laws. Very nervous, yes that is being experienced senior as well as darly, although he did not take the exam proposal.

During this time, she only saw the handsome oppa oppa-korean from her laptop that shook her but when she saw he was aware that the proposal exam-oppa oppa handsome could not help for the exam proposal.From he saw the test proposal, this time changed his view that he should change his habit of staying up until dawn because korea.her should be more diligent to learn in order to prepare the future for noble ideals,Teacher.

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016


 K-popers Girl.

Gadis periang yang selalu heboh dengan Korean pop was born on 4th May 1996,Darly Ofica.She was become a fangirl.Fangirl adalah sebutan untuk cewek-cewek yang idola dengan actris or actors,terkhusus dyo fangirl k-pop.Si fangirl satu ini was born with a weight 2,7 kilogram.She was born on Saturday.Ayahnya berasal dari Barus,Tapanuli Tengah,Sumatera Utara.Sedangkan ibunya berasal dari Pakkat,Tapanuli Utara,Sumatera Utara.

Dyo yang biasa dipanggil,merupakan anak sulung dari 3 bersaudara.Memiliki adiknya bernama Darwin Saputra yang lahir tahun 2000 and the youngest brother bernama Tedi Rahadi lahir tahun 2008,for your information,Nuna merupakan panggilan kesayangan tedi terhadap dyo.Dikorea Nuna (Noona) merupakan panggilan adik terhadap kakak.
Saat berumur 4,5 tahun dyo could read newspaper,so is not dimasukkan ke kindergarten.Because she could read,dia didaftarkan ke tpa supaya bisa membaca Al-Quran.Then, saat dia berumur 6 tahun dia masuk ke elementary school 22,Pekanbaru.Saat dyo kelas 5,dyo sudah memiliki pengalaman untuk mengajar,dia pernah ditunjuk guru kelas 1 untuk masuk ngajarin anak kelas 1 dan juga mewakili sekolah untuk mengikuti lomba puisi di gedung 45.

 Semasa elementary school,Dyo tidak pernah mendapat nilai bahasa inggris yang bagus,but dia termotivasi dengan nilai yang tidak pernah bagus itu untuk belajar dengat sering membaca membaca kamus and every day always buka dictionary.
After that,she entered junior high school.when he first grade junior high school he was a victim of bullying by her friends because she got 2nd rangking in class,karena teman-temannya iri dengan pencapaian yang telah ia dapat, and in junior high school lah dia mengenal k-pop. Saat dikelas 2 dia mendapat teman yang jago bahasa inggris dan juga suka k-pop dan dari situlah dia mulai bisa bergaul dan bergabung di tim drumband .Dan dikelas 3 mengikuti lomba drumband tingkat provinsi dan mendapatkan juara umum.

 Dyo periang melanjutkan pendidikan ke senior high school 2 Tambang,Tarai Bangun,Kampar.Tidak hanya di senior high school saja menyukai K-pop tapi berlanjut hingga ia menjadi college student,ia bermimpi untuk menjadi pasangan dari salah satu personel boyband korea,Bangta Boys,Jungkook. “berpura-puralah bermimpi sampai kau lupa keberpura-puraanmu menjadi nyata”,itulah ungkapan fangirl satu ini.
And now,she is English department student faculty of teachers training and education,Universtiy of  Lancang Kuning,Pekanbaru. She is Kpopers,her dominan fandoms are everlasting friend for super junior and adorable representative M.C for youth for bangtan boys. So,that her tell anyone about her famous name is Dyo Elfarmy is her abbreviation fandom’s name.

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016

Short Story:

Mineral Water Brings Me On First Love

Pagi datang merayap.Matahari memancarkan sinarnya.Nyanyian burung yang merdu juga terdengar.Ditambah desiran angin sejuk yang menyibak rambut panjang gadis berwajah oriental itu.Kanaya.ya dia gadis yang sedang duduk dibangku belakang yang bertepatan disamping jendela kelas.pikirannya yang sedang berlarian melintasi imajinasi yang luas.Tanpa disadari seulas senyum tipis mengembang di sudut bibirnya.

 “eh,nay .kamu kenapa senyum senyum gitu?”
Lamunan nya buyar setelah dian,sahabat sebangkunya mengagetkan kanaya dengan suara bisingnya.       
“ah,iya.gak kenapa kenapa”,jawabnya.
Detik berganti detik,menit berganti menit.Kelas yang tadinya sepi sekarang sudah berganti dengan kicauan murid.Suara riuh terdengar dari dalam kelas.Samar samar senyap suara dari luar kelas terdengar.Kanaya menghela nafas dalam dalam.membuatnya tak bisa berkonsentrasi dengan apa yang ia pikirkan,Bel masuk berbunyi menandakan kelas akan dimulai.Semua yang didalam sudah ada pada bangkunya masing masing.

Pak hamid,guru kimia yang selalu berpenampilan modis dan juga merupakan wali kelas kanaya sudah berada didepan kelas.Tapi dia tidak sendirian,ada cowok dengan tampilan yang tidak kalah modisnya dengan pak hamid. Berbadan tinggi,berwajah pucat dan dengan senyuman yang dingin.Dia memperkenalkan diri.Seisi ruangan riuh dengan kehadiannya,terutama para cewek.Tapi,lain hal dengan kanaya.Dia sama sekali tidak tertarik.

Bel istirahat memntapkan lantunannya.Sontak membuat seisi kelas riuh kegirangan.Satu persatu murid dalam kelas keluar dan ada yang tetap didaalam.Kanaya belum beranjak dari tempatnya.Dia menatap kearah cowok berwajah pucat diseberang depan kursinya. Kanya menggelengkan kepala melihat apa yang dilakukan cowok itu.Cowok yang sudah meminum dua botol air mineral dalam sekejap waktu.
“Hhh,apa dia sangat kehausan”,cetus kanaya
Dian melirik kawan disebelahnya itu,”kau sedang memperhatikan janu?”
“iya,anak baru tadi”
“tidak,aku hanya takjub aja,dia bisa menghabiskan air mineral dengan sangat cepat",ucap kanaya.

Kanaya menghampiri janu dengan percaya diri.”Apa kau kehausan sekali?”.Dengan wajah keheranan janu hanya terpaku melihat kanaya bingung.Kanaya yang menyadari kebingungan janu langsung memperkenalkan diri.Tapi janu langsung beranjak pergi tanpa sepatah kata apapun.Meninggalkan kanaya yang berdiri didepannya.Kanaya tidak habis fikir atas apa yang dilakukan anak baru itu padanya.       
Kanaya sekarang menenangkan pikirannya diperpustakaan yang dingin.Sembari ditemani buku tentang penyakit yang berbahaya.Dia memang sering keperpustakaan dari pada kekantin.Kanaya lebih suka kesunyian dari pada kebisingan.Dan jika sedang lelah dia akan keperpustakaan untuk sekedar tidur.Juga menyejukkan pikiran.
Tak terasa bel masuk sudah berbunyi menandakan jam istirahat sudah berakhir.Tergesa gesa kanaya berlari kekelas.Sempat  terjatuh didepan perpusatakaan tapi untung tidak ada orang yang melihat.Tapi ditengah ia sedang berlari ia menyeggol janu dan menjatuhkan air mineral yang janu bawa.”Air mineral lagi?” bisik kanaya dalam hati.Janu mengambil air mineralnya dan seperti yang dilakukannya tadi.Meninggalkan kanaya begitu saja.

Dengan wajah berkerut kanaya masuk kedalam kelas.Melewati meja janu dengan tatapan sinis.Tapi janu dengan kejutekannya tak menghiraukan tatapan kanaya.Ditempat duduk,kanaya tidak berhenti menatap janu dengan mata yang dipenui dengan amarah.Dan juga ada perasaan heran.Kenapa setiap saat selalu ada air mineral disisinya.Itu membuat kanaya bertanya tanya.

Keesokan harinya,semua pada berkumpul dilapangan untuk mengikuti pelajaran olah raga. Yang dimana mengambil nilai untuk lari.Sudah dua keliling kuputari lapangan dan janu tepat berada didepan Kanaya. Tak disangka dia jatuh didepan mata kanaya. Kanaya sontak kaget melihat janu dan membawanya ke uks sekolah.
“kau kenapa?”,tanya kanaya
“berikan aku air mineral,cepat”
Dengan sekejap waktu janu menghabiskan air mineral yang diberikan kanaya.Dengan wajah yang pucat dan badan yang menggigil janu menatap kanaya.
“aku tau kau bingung kenapa aku selalu minum air mineral dan membawanya kemana kemana”
“ya,aku bingung.kenapa kau selalu membawanya?,tanya kanaya heran.

Janu mengambil nafas yang dalam untuk bersiap menceritakan apa alasan dibalik ia selalu membawa air mineral.Janu selalu merasa dehidrasi karna penyakit ginjal akut nya.Walaupun sebenarnya yang berpenyakit ginjal tidak boleh terlalu banyak minum.Tapi dehidrasi yang dirasaknnya sangat parah hingga membuatnya tidak tahan.Kanaya kaget dengan penyataan janu dan merasa bersalah dengan apa yang dipikirkannya tentang janu.Disana kanaya merasakan kebeningan hati janu yang seperti air hingga bisa merubah persepsinya tentang janu. Perlahan tembok ketahanan hati kanaya mulai roboh dengan kejujuran janu.Dan,timbullah percikan perasaan dihati kanaya.

Selasa, 14 Juni 2016


Using adverb clauses to show time relationships.

An adverb clause of time shows when something happens.  It is usually introduced by time adverbs. Examples are: before, after, as, when, while, until, as soon as, since, no sooner than, as long as etc. Note that all adverb clauses are subordinate clauses. They cannot stand on their own and must be attached to an independent clause.

Read the examples given below.
>> I always take a bath before I go to bed.
>> Will you wait here until I am ready?
>> I was not at home when he came to see me.
>> Do not disturb me when I am busy with my work.
>> As soon as she finished that project, she started working on the next.
>> After I have finished my work, I will accompany you to the park.

An adverb clause of time can come before or after the main clause. When it comes before the main clause, we usually separate it with a comma. Commas are not necessary when the adverb clause goes after the main clause.

>> Whenever I think of her, my eyes get misty.
>> My eyes get misty whenever I think of her.


If you are talking about something that is yet to happen in the future, use a present tense in the adverb clause and a future tense in the main clause.

>> I will start when I am ready. (NOT I will start when I will be ready.)
>> I will not go until I get my money back. (NOT I will not go until I will get my 

Sabtu, 11 Juni 2016


What is Applied Linguistics?

Applied Linguistics is concerned with the systematic study of language structure, the acquisition of first and subsequent languages, the role of language in communication, and the status of language as the product of particular cultures and other social groups.
A background in linguistics is essential for language teachers, translators, speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and many other language professionals.

1.Applied linguistics is defined as ‘the academic discipline concerned with the relation of knowledge about language to decision making in the real world. (Cook in Davies 2007: 2)1

2.Applied linguistics is a discipline which explores the relations between theory and practice in language with particular reference to issues of language use. It embraces contexts in which people use and learn languages and is a platform for systematically addressing problems involving the use of language and communication in real world situations. Applied linguistics draws on a range of disciplines, including linguistics. In consequence, applied linguistics has applications in several areas of language study, including language learning and teaching, the psychology of language processing, discourse analysis, stylistics, corpus analysis, literacy studies and language planning and policies. (Knight, Dawn)

3.Applied linguistics is the academic field which connects knowledge about language to decision-making in the real world.” (Simpson, 2011, 1)5

4.Applied linguistics is 1) the study of second and foreign language learning and teaching. 2) the study of language and linguistics in relation to practical problems, such as LEXICOGRAPHY, TRANSLATION, SPEECH PATHOLOGY, etc. Applied linguistics uses information from sociology, psychology, anthropology, and INFORMATION THEORY as well as from linguistics in order to develop its own theoretical models of language and language use, and then uses this information and theory in practical areas such as syllabus design, SPEECH THERAPY, LANGUAGE PLANNING, STYLISTICS, etc. (Richards, Scmidt 2002: 28)6

Applied Linguistics:
  • Examines the structure of language and its role in communication
  • Explores how children acquire language
  • Studies how the skills of second-language speakers develop
  • Investigates how the social or cultural environment interacts with language 
The Scope of Applied Linguistics

According to Corder (1974) in Mai Mustafa Fouad Rafat Ali, the scope of applied linguistics is the utilization of the knowledge about the nature of language achieved by linguistics research for the improvement of the efficiency of some practical task in which language is a central component.
In other side, Mai Mustafa Fouad Rafat Ali stated that the scope of applied linguistics includes:
1.      Language and Teaching
2.      Language and Society
3.      Language Education/Learning
4.      Language, Work and Law
5.      Language, Information and Effect
In this time,Im going to explain more detail about Psycolinguistics


Psycholinguistics or psychology of language is the study of the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language.
a.   psycholinguistics is a field of study that combines psychology and linguistics. It covers language development. (Lim Kiat Boey).
b.  psycholinguistics is the study of human language –language comprehension, language production, and language acquisition  (E.M. Hatch)

The three primary processes investigated in Psycholinguistics

  • · Language comprehension  

  •   Language production

  • ·         Language acquisition

  • When is psycholinguistics studied?
    Ø  Psycholinguistics research started as far banck as plato,who was interested in human knowledge and language,however,it became a concern in linguistics during the second half of the nineteenth century with linguist looking at language acquisition,
    Ø  In 1960,Charles hockett published a list of design feautures of human language,where he identified 13 different feautures,that the language we use to communicates as human ,is characterized by.
    Ø  In the late twentieth century,willem levelt did a great deal of study on what he called ‘the menta lexicon’.his work has become more prominentin recent years,especially his research into speech production.
    Ø  Since the 1990s,theadvances in brain scanning and mapping have provided new information for psycholinguistics,meaning we can now see brain activity relating to word processing ,comprehension.

    Expert in Psycholinguistic

    Charles E. Osgood

    Ø  Lahir: 20 November 1916, Somerville, Massachusetts, Amerika
    Ø  Meninggal: 15 September 1991
    Penghargaan: Beasiswa Guggenheim untuk Kemanusiaan, AS & Kanada

    Biographical Notes

    Research Associate, Yale

    Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Connecticut

    Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Illinois

    Professor of Communications and Psychology, University of Illinois

    Director of Communications Research Center, University of Illinois

    Major themes developed and researched:

    Psycholinguistic research and theory
    Cross-cultural research on affective meaning and attribution of feelings
    Psycho-social dynamics and the prospects for mankind


    Guggenheim Fellow
    Fellow, Center Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto
    Member, American Psychological Association (president, 1962-63)
    American Academy of Arts and Sciences
    National Academy of Sciences

     I'm sorry if there are many mistakes in this blog. I hope you will get the knowledge from this blog.Thank you:)
